Let's get to know 'Orange Cat Day' September 1, 2022


agree to be a servant Let you be the master in my heart Dear slaves, please note that September 1st is not an ordinary day. It's not lottery day. But it's an important day for our boss because it's "Ginger Cat Appreciation Day" (Ginger Cat Appreciation Day). Orange cats are considered common cats. Looks like a normal cat But in fact, orange cats have unique characteristics like no other. which you may not have noticed We will bring you to know the special characteristics of the orange cat, what is hidden? 

Secrets of orange cats that you may not have known.
1. All orange cats are striped gourami cats (tiger stripes).
Orange cats are actually not a pure breed. Orange cats just happen to be striped gourami cats with orange fur. A cat's orange color can come in many shades. From pastel orange to deep orange depending on the genetic code of that cat

2. Every orange cat has an M symbol on its forehead
because it is a distinctive feature of the gourami cat. From the first point, all orange cats are tabby cats. Whether your home orange cat is very dark or very light, you will always be able to find the letter M on your orange cat's forehead.

3. As a descendant of African wildcat
Nature has published the origins of the gourami. By analyzing the genetic code of cats in different eras from 9,000 years ago, humans lived a hunting and immigrant lifestyle until the 20th century, it found that Egyptian cats spread throughout Europe during the Roman era. And the Vikings helped bring the Egyptian cat to travel the world farther than ever before. In the Ottoman period, cats began to mutate into tabbys. In the 18th century, tabbys became domestic cats in Southwest Asia, Africa, Europe, where it was said that cats would rule the world seemed possible. quite a lot

4. Most orange cats are male cats.
The reason is that the gene that determines orange fur is on the X chromosome. Let's say it's X1. A male cat whose sex chromosome is XY needs only one X1 to have orange fur. while female cats The sex chromosome is XX. Two X1X1 chromosomes are required to have orange fur. Simply put, a male cat receives the X1 chromosome from a mother cat that has this gene. There will be orange fur immediately. This makes it easier for a male orange cat to be born than a female orange cat.

5. Orange cats often have freckles on their faces.
It's like a gift that comes with the orange gene. Freckles can be found on the face, nose, lips, and gums of most orange cats. Freckles found are usually not dangerous. But if the freckles begin to change in color or size You should consult a veterinarian.

6. The orange cat has up to 5 patterns on its body
     - Classic looks like a swirl pattern in the middle of the body.

     - Mackerel, the distinctive feature of this pattern is The stripes run across the middle of the body from one side to the other, resembling a tiger. or mackerel

     - Spotted has the same pattern across the middle of the body. But it won't be long, slender lines connected together like Mackerel. It will be in spots instead.

     - Ticked (Agouti) This type of pattern does not have horizontal stripes like other types. Some have horizontal stripes.
       Across the neck and arms, but there is no pattern across the middle of the body. The M symbol can be found on the forehead.

     - Patched. The distinctive feature of this pattern is that it is found only in the area with no clear pattern. 
       Other colors may also be found on the body, such as white, orange, and black.



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